Chi è Chi




Inside the pages of this "unique interactive book", nine characters tell the stories of their lives on both sides of the Wall that marks the borders of "The State". By reading accounts of their interrogations and solving puzzles, the player will find himself or herself making judgments about their – and his or her own – compliance.

Chi è Chi imagines life in a fictitious regime overseen by the Schloss, the Service of Clarification of Loyalty and Orientation for State Security, which periodically checks citizens’ compliance with its rules, even the most absurd.

The book consists of a series of files enclosing artifacts, information, personal effects and archival materials related to nine characters, and the transcript of their interrogations.

By solving the 18 escape-style puzzles hidden between the pages, and interacting according to 3 different levels of difficulty with the Schloss website, reader-players will face a real “Conformity Test.”

The volume features a preface by Riccardo Fassone on play and authority, and a Brief History of the GDR, its citizens and their controversial hopes written by Donatella Sasso.

Chi è Chi is the portable version of the live-action escape room WER IST WER, and is available on Amazon.


“Un’esperienza interattiva mai vista che coniuga gioco, narrazione e ricerca storica”


A game by
We Are Muesli
Claudia Molinari
Matteo Pozzi

Game design & development
Matteo Pozzi
Paolo Tajé

Game writing
Matteo Pozzi
Benedetta Pierfederici

Graphics and illustrations
Claudia Molinari
Federico Gambarana
Nicolò Marchetti

Marco Ligabue

Giovanni Avalle
Nathalie Bernardi
Federica Crisà
Pietro Giau
Francesca Puopolo
Matteo Rocchi
Igor Toniazzo
Vincenzo Valenti
Rossella Vicino

Additional 3D art
Giacomo Gambarana